Articles By Category
The industry of genetically manipulated food, and its manipulation of science, media and public opinion.
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# Article Title Hits
1 The Repentant Environmentalist: Part 1 4853
2 Smelling a corporate rat 9794
3 ‘Science one, whining greenies nil’ 3484
4 Food Standards Agency public dialogue on GM rocked by resignations and accusations of pro-GM bias 3145
5 SpinWatch condemns Vatican GM event as a “charade by vested interests” 6598
6 Nothing to declare – GM guide’s two-faced science 5068
7 Jimmy's GM Food Fix 5018
8 The launch of ASK-FORCE 4417
9 Un-Spinning the spin masters on genetically engineered food 3868
10 Spilling the beans 3774
11 A deadly epidemic and the attempt to hide its link to genetic engineering 3770
12 Genetically Modified Language - Professor Bullsh*t unspun! 8115
13 Fake Blood on the Maize 3737
14 The bad idea virus Iraq, Order 81 and the biotech invasion 5323
15 The Uncle Tom Award 6048
16 Front group to honour Borlaug at UN world conference 4589
17 Who's afraid of Monsanto? 6107
18 Food Scandal Exposed: The story that changed the GM debate in the UK 4372
19 Ousted Scientist and the Damning Research Into Food Safety 3795
20 GM Food on Trial 3877
21 GM Campaigners Denied Trial 3742
22 Monsanto Talks in Crisis 4296