Articles By Category
nuclear.jpg Monitoring the rise of (and/or fear for) nuclear power in politics, nuclear industry and PR pushing nuclear energy.
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# Article Title Hits
1 Nuclear safety watchdog criticises Sellafield's emergency readiness 987
2 Nuclear Hospitality of Key Officials Exposed 1308
3 Is the Government about to start lining the pockets of its nuclear friends? 5452
4 Police trying to neuter anti-nuclear protest 1690
5 The Treasury and Nuclear Power - if they aren't sane how can we trust them with the nation's finances? 2425
6 When is a Subsidy not a Subsidy? 2591
7 The Coalition is Set to Break its Promise on Nuclear 1755
8 Waiving the rules to keep the nuclear power programme on course 2586
9 A year after Fukushima, nuclear lobby has Brussels in its grip 2530
10 The £100 Billion Hidden Cost of Nuclear Power 5261
11 In the Nuclear Pocket? 4080
12 "Neutral " Government Agency Secretly Discussed Going Pro-Nuclear 2387
13 Secret Nuclear Talks Held at No 10 3763
14 Nuclear Power to help prevent global destruction? - Maybe not. 4642
15 Paying to be propagandised 3691
16 Negative Energy 4147
17 Power Struggles- How the unions took the nuclear shilling 3821
18 Exposed: CoRWMs Close Ties to the Nuclear Industry 4720
19 Plugging the nuclear gap 3766
20 The Lethal Legacy of Chernobyl 4818
21 Nuclear view: spin doctor defends lying 4326
22 Iran reported to the Security Council 3377
23 Putin Helps the pro-Nuclear Push 3740
24 Iran: Nuclear Hypocrisy by the West 3800