Sarah Southern, strictly confidential |
1 April 2012 David Cameron held "secret meetings" with big donors which were not declared, the Sunday Times (£) reports today in its follow up to last week’s Cash for Cameron investigation.
"Confidentiality: Sarah Southern Consulting operates on a strictly confidential basis. Clients are not revealed through any marketing materials…Client names are only revealed with the approval of the client… Discretion and confidentiality will be maintained.” This is two fingers to the government’s pledge on lobbying transparency from someone who "spent more time in the first third of [2010] with DC than I did with anybody else in my life", "planning and executing David Cameron's events and visits prior to and during the General Election". She was perhaps too busy to listen to DC's speech in February 2010 predicting that lobbying is "the next big scandal" and his pledge to "be the party that sorts all this out". At the moment, without statutory regulation for lobbyists, the likes of Sarah Southern (and the lobbying industry is littered with former party workers) are free to operate in secret. And under the government’s proposals to regulate lobbyists… the vast majority of lobbyists will stay under the radar. The proposals are a sham. Without fundamental changes to its plans, lobbyists will continue to get paid by clients to meet, fund and influence our political leaders in secret. Cue another scandal.